Fish Detailes
Cat Fish
The African sharp tooth catfish is a large, eel-like fish, usually of dark gray or black coloration on the back, fading to a white belly. Catfish have mostly been used as ‘police-fish’ to control over-breeding in mixed-sex tilapia culture in earthen ponds. In Uganda, the development of Clarias culture is more related to its use as baits for fishing in Lake Victoria.

Product Specification

 Pellete Size
Compisition(%)0.5 MM2 MM4 MM6 MM8 MM10 MM
Crude Protin (Min)454543434040
Crude Fat (Min)151815151515
Moisture (Max)101011111111
Ash (Max)11119999
Fibre (Max)1.71.75555
Phosephours (Min)
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